2003 Doc Mayes Contest

By Peter Kelly

The Chico/Doc Mayes Competition 2003 began on Friday, April 25 and continued through to Sunday, April 27.  The longest single, handicapped flight was the winner of the Lee Peterson Trophy, and, the pilot who had the greatest combined handicapped distance on their two best flights was the winner of the Doc Mayes Trophy.  There are two parts to this report: the photos and the narrative.


Our expert VSA photographer Tom Jue provides us with another great collection of 26 wonderful photos.
See the photo album here… https://www.valleysoaring.net/pk/05-may/


Sergio Colacevich “C2” won both trophies.   Lee Peterson Trophy Best Day was Saturday with 260.95 SM, and the “Doc” Mayes Memorial Trophy Best Two Days Saturday & Sunday 429.12 SM.  Results for Sunday were: Sergio “C2” 168.17 SM, Peter “PK” 164.90 SM, Sinclair “JJ” 113.60 SM, Jim “1B” 91.2 SM, Pete “98” 85.36 SM, Bob “MJ” 48.04 sm.  It was a really fun time!



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