
June 2006

Article 1. Name, Purpose, and Affiliation.

  • Section 1. The name of the organization is the “Valley Soaring Association”, herein referred to as VSA.
  • Section 2. The purpose of the VSA shall be as follows:
    • A. To operate as a non-profit organization to foster and promote all phases of gliding and soaring.
    • B. To share the collective knowledge and experiences and to enjoy the camaraderie of soaring.
    • C. To develop and encourage the use of sound safety practices.
  • Section 3. The VSA shall maintain a formal affiliation with the Soaring Society of America (SSA) and has been designated as “SSA Chapter 978”. Privileges, benefits, and responsibilities will be in accordance with the bylaws of the SSA with respect to affiliated chapters.
  • Section 4. The VSA is principally operated on the property of Williams Soaring Center, Williams California, at the express invitation and permission of the gliderport management. The VSA shall establish and implement its own policies and be fiscally and administratively independent of the Gliderport Management. VSA shall not be responsible for, or accountable for the actions or obligations of the owners/ operators/ management of the Gliderport. Additionally, the owners/ operators/ management of the gliderport shall not be responsible or accountable for the actions or obligations of the VSA.

Article II. Membership

  • Section 1. The membership of the VSA shall consist of all individuals whose applications for membership have been accepted and whose dues have been paid for the current year.
  • Section 2. When SSA Membership Services so designates, this association will receive a rebate on behalf of each member of VSA who is also a member of SSA and has chosen to designate this association to receive the annual rebate.
  • Section 3. Members are entitled to the following privileges and benefits:
    • A. To receive a copy of the VSA mailing – postal service or electronic.
    • B. To participate in VSA organized, sponsored, and affiliated activities.
    • C. To be listed on the VSA membership rosters.
  •  Section 4. Each member is expected to pay his/her dues annually. Dues are normally collected at the beginning of each year.
  • Section 5. All members are encouraged to sponsor guests at all
    activities. Family and crew are especially welcome as well as
    potential new members.

Article III. Organization.

  • Section 1. The affairs and business of VSA shall be conducted by a Board of Directors. The Board will be elected by the membership by a majority vote of those attending a general membership meeting. The term of office will be for two years The Manager of the Gliderport is also considered a member of the Board. In addition to the Gliderport manager, the Board will consist of the following elected positions:
    • President
    • Vice-President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
  • Section 2. Duties and responsibilities of each Board Member.
    • A. President.  Shall call all Board of Director meetings and preside at all meetings of the general membership and meetings of the Board of Directors. Under the direction of the Board of Directors, the President shall have general management of the affairs of the VSA. He shall be ex-officio member of all committees in the VSA.
    • B. Vice-President. Shall perform the duties of the president during his/her absence.
    • C. Secretary. Shall keep the historical records, record and publish minutes of meetings, handle correspondence as directed by the Board of Directors, serve as editor and publish the newsletter and direct other media as necessary. Secretary will oversee the content of the web sites published in the name of the association. He/she shall recruit an assistant as necessary.
    • D. Treasurer. Shall receive and disburse all funds in accordance with these bylaws. Maintain membership records, publish rosters, and accomplish the necessary correspondence with SSA to insure complete and accurate membership status of members. He/she shall recruit an assistant as necessary.
    • Gliderport Manager. Shall automatically be designated as a member of the Board of Directors. The manager is encouraged to identify problems and to solicit proposed solutions relating to the safe and efficient flying operations at the gliding site.

Article IV. Meetings.

  • Section 1. A meeting of the Board of Directors requires a minimum of three board members to be present in order to conduct business.
  • Section 2. General membership meetings will be held periodically, but not less than once per year and maybe held in conjunction with any scheduled, publicized activity. A minimum of two board members must be present, and a minimum of ten members, other than elected officers must be present to convene a general membership meeting.
  • Section 3. Programs and activities shall be announced as far in advance as possible.

Article V. Revisions to the Bylaws.

  • Section 1. All revisions shall be proposed at a meeting of the Board of Directors. A majority of those present, but not less than three Board Members voting in the affirmative are required in order to revise these bylaws.

Article VI. Dissolution.

  • In the event this association is dissolved, the remaining assets shall not inure to the benefit of a single person or persons, but will be donated to an organization, commercial or otherwise, that is directly related to soaring.

Article VII. Discount Programs.

  • Section 1. Discount programs will be implemented whenever possible.

Article VIII. The Newsletter and Other Media.

  • Section 1. The newsletter shall be entitled “The Windsock”.
  • Section 2. Other Media will consist of email, web pages, and other mailings.
  • Section 3. The Newsletter and Other Media will be distributed as directed by the Board.

Article IX. Financial Procedures.

  • Section 1. All expenditures shall be approved by the board of directors.
  • Section 2. With the exception of the newsletter, all single expenditures of over $100 must be approved by a vote of the general membership.
  • Section 3. A detailed ledger book will be used to record all receipts and expenditures.
  • Section 4. The accounting year will be from January 1 to December 31.
  • Section 5. A checking account will be maintained.
  • Section 6. The Treasurer will prepare an annual report indicating the collection and disbursement of all funds for the preceding year, and will provide interim reports as requested by the Board.

Reviewed and Approved by both the Membership and the Board of Directors.

These By Laws are effective as of June 15, 2006

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